Sunday School
Our Sunday School department is highly regarded within the Ernakulam North Section of AG and is considered one of the finest in the Malayalam district. We are grateful for the Lord's blessings that have enabled us to be recognized as the best in our locality, alongside the exceptional performance of our children in talent hunts and other Sunday school-related activities. Our students are highly engaged and consistently display remarkable talents, which we attribute to the guidance of our dedicated teachers and the support of our community. However, we humbly acknowledge that above all, it is by the grace of our Sovereign God that we have been blessed with such exceptional students and a thriving Sunday School department. Our aim is to mould our children in the ways of the LORD from a very young age, so that they may grow up and be useful for the Kingdom of God. The Bible says, 'Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it' (Proverbs 22:6). Our Sunday School owes its success to the dedicated and blessed team of teachers who are committed to shaping the spiritual growth of our students. In addition, our children have been a great source of cooperation, bringing glory to the Lord's name and our humble congregation through their acts of obedience and participation in Sunday school-related activities. "But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven'" (Matthew 19:14).

Br Biju Daniel, Br A C Samuel, Br K Thankachan, Pr Varghese Mathew, Sis Jolly Varghese, Sis Esther Antony, Sis Ancy Charles, Sis Saly